Historic Myanmar elections in 2015 and the installation of a National League for Democracy government in 2016 contrast with ethnic cleansing of Rohingya Muslims in 2017. One question that confronts the 50 million people of this Southeast Asian nation in 2018 is therefore whether the push for greater democracy is strong enough to prevail over a powerful military machine and undercurrents of intolerance. What are the prospects for liberal democracy in Myanmar?
活動時間:2018年11月17日 14:00~15:30
地 點:台灣金融研訓院2樓菁業堂 (台北市羅斯福路三段62號2樓)
講 者: 何立仁 香港大學副校長
主持人: 龍應台 香港大學孔梁巧玲傑出人文學者